Please confirm that the phone number and e-mail entered match your Lime account
Please enter your first and last name and confirm that it matches your Lime account and eligibility documents.
Where do you ride Lime?
To qualify, you must provide a copy of your valid ID. Copies of your documents must be uploaded in the field provided below.
Anyone with a valid Health Care Card is eligible to take advantage. Please see below to upload qualifying forms of identification. This information must be correct, and your responses on this form are legally binding. Copies of both your ID and proof of public benefits enrollment must be uploaded to the below attachment field.
To qualify, you simply need to state your reasons for eligibility. Please see above for qualifying forms of identification and eligibility in Belgium This information must be correct, and your responses on this form are legally binding. Your legal name must be displayed on both your ID and proof of eligibility. Copies of both your ID and proof of eligibility must be uploaded to the below attachment field.
To qualify, you simply need to state your reasons for eligibility. Please see above for qualifying forms of identification and eligibility in Canada. This information must be correct, and your responses on this form are legally binding. Your legal name must be displayed on both your ID and proof of public benefits enrollment. Copies of both your ID and proof of public benefits enrollment must be uploaded to the below attachment field.
Cologne Pass Photo The Cologne Pass is issued by the city of Cologne to people with low incomes. Copies of both your ID and the Cologne Pass must be uploaded to the below attachment field.
Photo of your Düsselpass. The Düsselpass is issued by the city of Düsseldorf to people with low incomes. Copies of both your ID and the Düsselpass must be uploaded in the attachment field below.
Photo of your Nuremberg Pass. The Nuremberg Pass is issued by the City of Nuremberg for people with low income. Copies of your ID and Nuremberg Pass must be uploaded in the attachments box below.
To participate in this program, you only need to present proof of social benefits and a photo of an official ID. Accepted identity documents are the French ID card and passport. Copies of both your ID card and proof of enrollment in public benefits must be uploaded in the attachment field below.
Anyone with a valid Community Services Card is eligible. See below to upload valid identification documents. This information must be correct and your answers on this form are legally binding.
To qualify for Lime Access, you need to provide evidence of one of the above passes. This information you submit must be correct, and your responses on this form are legally binding. Please make sure to use the contact details associated with your pre-existing Lime account. Copies of the documents must be uploaded to the below attachment field
To qualify, you simply need to state your reasons for eligibility. Please see above for qualifying forms of identification and eligibility in the U.S. This information must be correct, and your responses on this form are legally binding. Your legal name must be displayed on both your ID and proof of public benefits enrollment. Copies of both your ID and proof of public benefits enrollment must be uploaded to the below attachment field.
Please enter the details of your request. A member of our support staff will respond as soon as possible.